Atlanta Big 5 won the 8th Grade ACC Division of the Atlanta Invitational. Photo – Kowacie ReevesĀ Atlanta, Ga– Our Atlanta Invitational is the premier elementary and middle school tournament in the southeast. Every year it features some of the best young talent in the country and this year that trend continued. Several up and coming prospects took advantage of the stage this past weekend and we examine a few who began writing their stories. By: @HypesouthMedia TEAM POWELL | Jalen Carruth | 2022 Carruth caught our attention right away with his......
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Many of the top young players in the southeast participated in the Atlanta Invitational over the weekend. Atlanta, Ga – This weekend, the Atlanta Invitational was a hot bed dripping with tons of up and coming talent from all over the Southeast. Players from all over came to showcase their talent against some of the top competition the Peach State has to offer. From small guard with a chip on their shoulder to big men in the lane who made it difficult for anyone to get a shot off, we saw some......
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